Methodology applied in individuation stories
The stories will be described through the reading and interpretation of dreams showing an evolution in the path of individuation. We will not present any personal data, no traditional anamnesis, no external data that characterizes and exposes the individual, only its internal history will be reported, its unfolding of the symbolic transformation demonstrating the evolution of the consciousness of the individuation is demonstrated.
With the use of homeopathic medication sequentially, we can observe a great catalyzing of individuation. Then the reports of the patients’ dreams are described by the interpretation of the symbols of transformation that run through our psyche in similarity among them in the phases, stages and the first exit of the “cave of Plato”. The demonstration of the stories leads us to confirm the hypothesis of the psychological self, as similar to the immunological self or a self that stimulates a homeostasis in the organism, that all of them have a concomitant clinical improvement with a psychological improvement.
The First Exit of “Plato’s Cave”
There are very successful individuation histories with a set of symbolic contents in extraordinarily rich dreams. These contents contain important elements that demonstrate the attenuation of identifications influences of Oedipus complex and the hereditary elements of theanimosity at the same time; the two have similar origins, as Freud (1987) tells: “Therefore, the overcoming of the Oedipus complex coincides with the most efficient way of mastering the archaic and animal heritage of mankind.”
Progressively and concomitantly, one observes the liberation of repressions, integrating the individual into the center of oneself, which can be said to have a correspondence with the conscious self.
Based on the observation and histories studies, together with studies presented by Freud (1987), it is assumed that most of the symptoms have their roots in the instinctual impulses. For this reason, their attenuation and oedipal identifications are of significant importance and constitute an instigating framework for clinical practice and for Psychiatry.
Jung (1998) describes instincts as being unconscious and inherited, having a collective and repeating character, and can be expressed in the archetypes, whether or not we recognize their mythological character.
With M.I.H.T.we are attenuating the pathogenic unconscious contents that generate the symptoms, may have a correlation with these instinctual elements.
It is important to remember that these histories have already advanced beyond a stage in consciousness that may have archetypically, a correspondence with a first exit from “Plato’s cave”. This stage was demonstrated in stages, it occurs in the first stage of the third stage. These people have also reached the fifth stage, so a more significant clinical improvement. All dreams mental representations, personal dramas, scars, and identifications expose unconscious which, at least in part, may be responsible, as pathogens, for symptoms, delineating diseases, neuroses, and psychoses.
In the search for a process of human evolution in consciousness, in psychological sciences, religion, and philosophy, there was and there is interest in leaving Plato’s cave, allegorically speaking, put into practice this desire for evolution, unravel the caves within ourselves. Today, and always, several paths have been unveiled for this purpose, in Philosophy, Psychology and Psychiatry.
In Psychosomatics, one seeks to direct oneself, the expansion of the conscious self, the integration of his thinking, with the feeling and willingness to integrate the tripartite: the neurosensorial, the rhythmic and the metabolic. In this evolution, I include work on the unconscious, as described in Psychosomatics. In the will to be tamed, to be subjects of ourselves and animality to prevent us from being free beings, which express themselves in this unconscious, in this cave, in the external world, as our temperaments, our way of acting, of being and in our symptoms and illnesses. We need attenuation of the animalistic, instinctive, impulsive, the untamed in us, the “horse”, the will, in order to have freedom from the action of ourselves. We are not free beings in our will, which is dominated by elements of the individual and collective heredity. This may be related to what has been described in Freud’s psychology as the id, in correspondence we can recognize as being the animalistic element, the instinctive in us.
In this chapter it is demonstrated how Therapeutics promotes the attenuation of these instinctive, collective elements through the reporting of patients’ dreams, their symbols, archetypal images, and attenuation of temperaments. It is observed how we are prisoners of behavior in these dream images. Dream reports can contribute to confirm and exemplify more clearly the effectiveness of Homeopathy and the use of this path within a system proven by the psychological sciences of today with M.I.H.T..
“The integration of unconscious contents into consciousness, which is the main operation of complex psychology, is precisely one of these changes of principle, because it eliminates the subjective consciousness of the self, confronting it with the collective contents of consciousness” (Jung, 1998, p. 222).
It can be said that M.I.H.T. offers a scientific proof guided by psychiatric and psychosomatic epistemology in which the histories are described qualitatively and the disorders of the psyche are described by a series of constellated complexes of the nucleus associated in several intensities of various forms, individualized in each story.
With the use of homeopathic medicine, it is demonstrated that with M.I.H.T. it is possible to return to the patterns of repetition: of the instincts, heredity, and trauma that fragment the individual and attenuate them through internal integration of the elements feminine and masculine archetypes in the psyche.
The complexes, in fact, constitute the real living units of the unconscious psyche whose existence and constitution can only be deduced through them “(Jung, 1998, p. 104).
What is important is the clear demonstration of the therapeutic transformation of the main unconscious contents described by Jung (1998) as automata complexes, that is, a constellation of psychic contents dynamically determined by the energetic value, expressed in symbols of the unconscious, that come to the fore in consciousness with the use of M.I.H.T..
One can demonstrate with the description of the individuation histories certain equivalence between the symbolic and the psychic energy. In the context of quantitative evolutions, a clearer equivalence among physical, psychic and vital energy is seen. These elements function as an x-ray of the energy systems, stages, diagnoses, evolution of the elements of the psyche of our consciousness, who we are and what degree of physical, vital, emotional and psychic disturbance they can generate.
“Against the polymorphism of the instinctive nature of the primitive is raised the regulating principle of individuation” (Jung, 1998, p. 49).
The individuation, the strengthening of one’s self and one’s conscious and vital, emotional, and mental immunological is a sure path through the psychosomatic pathway for the attenuation and prevention of illness. In the repetition of the hereditary patterns of the complexes, we produce the death instinct, the malaise and the diseases. M.I.H.T. has contributions to this vast, complex and underdeveloped field, demonstrating some of these body-mind interactions.
9.3 Description and evolution of three individuation histories emerging from the first exit of the cave
We present three individuation histories with positive actions in the psychiatric clinic, with the main diagnosis: 1) Panic disorder; 2) Anxiety disorders, depressive, mild arterial hypertension, 3) Depressive and mood disorders II.
History 1 – Main diagnosis: panic disorders – Alpha 1 patient
A female person, aged 43, presenting as main complaint Panic Disorders (episodic paroxysmal anxiety).
HMA – Ten years ago the patient began with Panic Disorder of medium to severe intensity, having used antidepressants such as Venlafaxine Hydrochloride and Bupropion Hydrochloride and having undergone psychotherapeutic treatment for 5 years.eaShe stopped the medication four years ago.??? At the time, there was an improvement. In the last 3 to 6 months, she has had a relapse and now again presents medium to severe intensitypanic disorder. She presents symptoms such as constant tachycardia, deep anguish, tension, insomnia, and numbness in M.M.S.S.
HF- H.A.
HP- Denied DCI.
Mental symptoms: Choleric and sanguine temperament, with propensity to impulsivity, aggressiveness, controller, hypersensitivity.
Procedure:M.I.H.T. initial treatment, sequences CH 15 to CH 500 Bryophyllyum, Argentum Worship, Ansiodorom, 20 drops each, 3 times daily.
Pre-treatment dream: She was sleeping feeling a headache, she was at her mother’s house, and was attacked by two snakes. She saw an alligator that scared her but she does not become fragile. She jumped out the window.
Interpretation: It can be said that she is identified with the mother, in the “house of the mother”, clearly involved with emotional elements in Oedipus complex, experiencing certain tension, headache, it is suggested to be dominated by the imaginary, the projections, the “cave”.This stage can also be represented by archetypal, allegorical images, “attacked by two snakes” and then immersed in the universe of repressions, complexes of guilt and low esteem, as one of the origins of the symptoms she complains about. The two snakes demonstrate an archaic image representative of primitive elements of a fragmented consciousness, a fragmented self.One can see in The Final Judgmentof Michelangelo the individual wrapped in a “snake, soon immersed in what can be said”Hell of consciousness”dark and inferior stage in the picture. She sees the alligator that scares her, but it does not weaken her; this is a primitive animalistic element of the personality, a little attenuated that can represent her aggressiveness. Jumping of the window demonstrates a vision aperture already reached. She is sensitive, intuitive, very intelligent, she invests in her self-development. In spite of this, it is in the mother’s house that represents her structural prison in the oedipal triangulation. All these elements suggest the stage of consciousness in the dense material, “Inferno” consciousness or Nigredo.
First Physical Body Integration:Following CH 700
Clinical and psychological evolution:Description of dreams in phases / stages
Dream: She was traveling by plane. She retrieved the backpack from the plane.
Interpretation: It can be said that she already acquires a certain lightness by being in the airplane, and rescues a little of its individuality represented by the backpack.
Dream: She’s at Sílvio Santos show. She listened and saw through a crack in a curtain.
Interpretation: You can say that there is an increase in self-esteem because she is in a show and so close to someone important, as if it were a show of herself. She sees herself more valued, in a stage. She begins her rebirth.
Dream: She came from her city, and the people of the tribe carried their things and fell into a lake. Her niece was going to become flesh and a part was going to survive.
Interpretation: You can say that there is a shift of herself to her niece, in which you can see a transformation, an attenuation of the death drive and an expansion of the drive of life, and an advance in the path of the birth of self and on cleaning of the transpersonal marcs.
Dream: She called her mother’s neighbor from the wall and she parked her car, she was the boy’s wife. She came under many stones and suddenly she leaves with a bruise on her forehead and she says she was healing from a (sublingual) disease. But she did well from these quarries.
Interpretation: It can be said that there is identification with the neighbor and it is observed a transformation of herexpression that is an aggressive expression, having attenuation of aggressiveness that is related to a new rebirth.
Dream: She was sleeping in her mother’s house and helped to clean the house and there were also people washing. She left the people there and a little girl appeared on the side making a shamanic fire. Her father arrives.
Interpretation: It can be said that she still sleeps in the mother’s house, which means that she is identified with the mother, but that she heads to clean, to wash, to have a rebirth, which is characteristic of this stage. The girl doing the fire represents a releasing from repression;she comes into contact with herself, and attenuates emotional elements that come from her repetition in triangulation, which is in relationship with mother and father, among others.
Dream: She was going to give instruction in an auditorium and there was a small room. She had lost her shoes, next she went to get them, and the shoes were a cat but there was only the right side shoe.
Interpretation: It can be said that there is a transformation of reality, an attenuation of the animalistic instinctual aspect, she sees it and sees also that she perceives reality through it.
Dream:Her mother offers her a candy saying that shehas prepared it for her, but she does not eat it.
Interpretation: You can say that there has been cleansing of some of her feelings of guilt with the mother, but demonstrates that has some guilty when she´s not accept the candy. This dreams evidence what people had developed and what she already didn’t get to evolution.
Dream: In childhood, at school, she would dress as a bride, but forgot the dress at her mother’s house and met with her instructor X who charged her with a task. In doubt, she did not know whether she was parading in her white dress or obeying her duty to the teacher.
Interpretation: It can be said that she places her instructor in the place of the father, or of the sense of superego. Wearing the white dress and making inward marriage also means attenuating the superego’s feelings.
Dream: The mother had died. She would do anything for her burial and talk about how it would go.
Interpretation: It can be said that there is an attenuation of her identification with the mother, there is a death within itself.
Dream: She was at her mother’s house and she cooked for the family, which she does not normally do. It was a two-story house. Suddenly, she sees everything crumble. Her mother and brother thought it was normal.
Interpretation: It can be said that she is in the mother’s house, and she cooks for them, already with an attenuation of the repetition of the identification with the mother, with the construction of her affective self. This dream represents a premonitory dream and abandonment in relation to the brother, it means that nobody cares about her, because some furniture of her house fell on her, it hurt her and she returned of the symptoms of the panic, associated with feeling of abandonment in relation to her mother. These elements are attenuated in a later dream in which the father protects her.
Dream: A woman offers her 3 lilac prawns and she takes it to her daughter.
Interpretation: It may be said that it attenuates her identification with oedipal triangulation,represents in the lilac color, her guilt feeling in relation to the mother, and receives something from her, an integrated food, she reaches a more conscious self in relation to this woman, to the world and to herself.
First Integration of the vital body – Following CH 1.400
Dream: She worked in a restaurant and was going to receive money, and did not find the money of her payment.
Interpretation: It can be said that she is already beginning to nurture herself in her more integrated or conscious self, or begins to move in herself to reach her will.
Dream: She was going to organize a house. In the kitchen, she made hominy and had several pots and several gas stoves. She can do the homework,she still smells bad. She turned into a baby gorilla. The gorilla says he needs to take a shower. ‘’No, I still need the water’’.
Interpretation: It can be said that she is organizing her new home, the construction of her own self, in which there is more affection “food”, more heat “stove”, then there is the attenuation of the animal gorilla, a rebirth already.It is a baby, now the vital integration or attenuation of imaginary incestuous guilt represented archetypically in the elements of baptism of consciousness.
Dream:Again she organized the vegetables.
Interpretation: It can be said that she is organizing her vital body, her body of health.
Dream: She arrives at a restaurant, she has done something wrong and she is angry. And suddenly she sees a deep ditch and a red plastic, she thinks its watermelon juice, it’s not blood. And she sees several boxes of pumpkins.
Interpretation: You can say that it shows aspects of her personality, as an irritability that has not yet evolved. But it also demonstrates what she has already advanced in herfemininity and also a desire of herself represented in the color red and in the pumpkin, orange and round.
Dream: She is in a white dress, but she forgot her makeup and the traffic was bad and she did not have makeup.
Interpretation: It can be said that there is a purification and attenuation of the ego and persona represented in the lack of makeup and in the clothing.
Dream: She meets the ex-boss. She finds her husband and a paraplegic boy, he was sitting inside the car and she had left the car open while she asked for direction.
Interpretation: It can be said that there is an attenuation of the feelings of guilt related also to the superego that is represented by the ex-boss, and attenuation of incestuous desire, of herself in relation with her father. But she still does not know the direction for herself.
Dream: A woman sold a vibrator in the sexy shop.
Interpretation: One could say that there was a release of repression.
Dream: She enters the mall and goes to a bar. She buys a red cloth doll and another plush object, and she had to go through a fair. Suddenly she saw a boy passing through a small fragile bridge and he passed and she encourages him to pass the board.
Interpretation: It can be said that it attenuates her repetitive traits like a red doll, contact with the sky of consciousness, the first exit from automation. She begins to make an interconnection with her animus, a bridge that represents an inner element of the self, more connected with itself.
Dream: She was going to know the three dimensions. She says the second dimension is Sanshara. A child is taking a bottle. Is it alcohol? And she says, “I do not want this.” She says she wants to see the 3rd dimension, it was the blue sky, the father and the sister, and on the ground several veils; she takes the white veils and they were dirty. The sister’s veils will be kept. Her veils were cheap, they could throw them away.
Interpretation: You can say that she is expressing in her dream one of the elements of meaningful intuition, which is the 3 dimensions. In the second dimension, she explains the illusion of the dual, two-dimensional aspect of Sanshara, and in the third dimension she shows the aspects of Oedipus, her competition and dispute in her relationship with her sister, and a feeling of low esteem.
Dream: They slept in the square when they came to see, they had stolen the wallet.
Interpretation: It can be said that when she sleeps, she does not sleep meaningfully because she is in the center of herself, which is in a square. She loses the direction of herself, which is her identity, but not in a radical way.
Dream: She went to wash clothes with her mother and uncle, in her right hand, a hollow hole and shows it to her mother that says she will improve and suddenly an apple appears.
Interpretation: The patient may be said to report a significant conflict she had with her uncle. She can wash her clothes and lessen her ego, lessening the conflict with him. This conflict also refers to the oedipal conflict with the father.
Dream:She arrives at the house of her godmother, she just had 2 children, new childbirth, she made her own delivery and the boys already walked.
Interpretation: It can be said that she is having a significant renaissance, attenuation of her identification with the godmother. She can express her desire better.
First emotional integration – Following CH 2.100
Dream: She was taking a course with her spiritual instructor X, he did not know where they were going, and didn’t have prepared clothes, and then the plane arrives. The other instructor says that the plane has a problem; she must have to go in another plane, and that she could nottake the blue one and the Del Rey. The instructor said she was right. And the plane stopped in Ouro Preto.
Interpretation: One can say that this instructor represents an element of the superego, which does not let her go to the lightness and attenuation of the repetition that is represented by the image of the blue color. Ouro Preto means some elements of the superego that are still in her memory, referring to her history. The way of her evolution is observed.
Dream: She was going to do a play that meant to bring joy, she had not memorized the text and it was very large and the other people in the audience saw that. And she was afraid.
Interpretation: This can be said to refer to a return to a childhood scene in which she has suffered a humiliation at school, one of the memories that seem to be responsible for her symptoms.
Dream: She was at her mother’s house and all the walls collapsed, and her father tells her to be quiet, but she cannot fix it. The stolen showed her a gun and there was a boy with her. He began to speak about philosophy.
Interpretation: You can say that it is a dream that can represent a resolution of the conflict of the emotional fall she suffered in the presentation at school. She is with a boy, her animus more integrated. We can observe an emotional improvement; attenuation of her aggressiveness. Nowadays with elaboration of that scene of the past.
Dream: An injured man walks in with bloodstains. She wanted to get away, and she was quiet. The father said, ‘’let’s go to another house’’, the mother said ‘’let’s fix it’’.
Interpretation: It can be said that she goes through a stage of conflict, situation of fragmentation, but she is more relaxed with the support of her father and her mother, attenuation of the emotional symptoms generated in the Oedipus complex.
Dream: She sees a woman who was going to be punished with chains. ‘’Then I’ll hit her, and she would not beat back’’.
Interpretation: It can be said that she frees herself from a symbolic or imaginary suffering of the past, transindividual elements. She does not allow herself to be beaten, she gains an emotional integration in which there is attenuation of self-punishment feelings of guilt and she says, “I’m not going to get it anymore.” It can be said that there is an attenuation of the symbolic Charon of the Divine Comedy, she beats herself less.
First Mental Integration – Following CH 2.800
Dream: She was at her godfather’s house and the keys were with someone and suddenly the police began to attack, a man fell and a police officer appears attacking her.
Interpretation: It can be said that she is still being attacked by her superego, or by feelings of repression, but there is already protection from her godfather.
Dream: She was in her grandmother’s garden with her husband and daughter in the lowest house. She woke up and remembered that she had to go to the second floor to be with her husband who complained that she was delayed. An old man who besieges her looks like his grandfather. A voice says the union of earth, water, fire and air will take her to heaven.
Interpretation: It can be said that she is awaken beyond Oedipus, she awakens to a rebirth on the second floor which may mean attenuation of the identifying aspects of the triangulation that is characteristic of the first stage, she has advanced to a stage above. She acquired one “life drive” stimulation, had this fantastic intuition in which intern voice gives her significant knowledge. The union of the four elements leads us to ascend to heaven and to the liberation of the primitive elements of the fragmented self, which were attracted by the elements separately. There is a way out of the conscious and integrated self of dense material, if dense matter is unleashed, there is a dissolution, there is an ascension, an evolution.
Dream: Marriage of the sister with the father and she went with a boyfriend and met him and kissed him, and she was in doubt of whomtotake. They were already eating at the wedding party and she ate an egg from an Indian.
Interpretation: One can say that this dream is a resolution of an oedipal conflict of low esteem in relation to her sister, but she is more integrated with her internal feminine and masculine and goes to the marriage of her father with her sister, and she goes with a boyfriend. She evolves beyond Oedipus complex and accepts it without much suffering that her mother is with her father. A very important archetype of rebirth, the egg is also observed in this dream, and eating it means nourishing herself with new elements in herself.
Dream: She and her husband tried to flee police harassment.
Interpretation: You can say that she represents the husband and flee from the persecutions of her own superego.
Dream:Sheselected essence of healing and Mrs. M., her friend who is very strict was next. Suddenly she sees herself at her grandmother’s house and remembers this scene. She left a place, had a row full of 4/5-year-old children at her paternal grandmother’s house.
Interpretation: You could say that she is having a rebirth in relation to a scene that she reports to have been quite traumatic that it was her grandmother’s loss when she was 4 or 5 years old. We can observe that the children who appear in the dream are of the same age, so it is possible to relate them to this traumatic scene of the past.
Dream: Scary scene from school, she was looking for her great-grandfather, and she was terrified. He left her in a truck to go to the wake and she was scared of the dark, then a cross lit in the dark.
Interpretation: One can say that this dream refers again to a scene in the past, in which the grandfather left her in an inappropriate place to go to a wake, but she returns to the scene with light, with attenuation of her suffering, as there is light in a crucifix, which will also represent an attenuation of her ego, the fragmented self, the lower self. One can say a mental integration with archetypal elements of the crucifixion, then attenuation of the self in the rational or inferior mental.
Evolution: The patient has a significant improvement (around 90%) in symptoms of panic disorders, but sporadically she has tachycardia. She no longer has numbness in her upper limbs. She reports feeling more centered and integrated in herself, safer, with less feelings of guilt in relation to the other.
Second Stage – First Stage – Physical body integration: After CH 3.500
Dream: That she was flying, holding the plane.
Interpretation: It can be said that it represents how she gained certain lightness, because she left the dense material, attenuation of the traces of patterns repetition.
Dream: That she went to the mountains and returned to the city to buy a wedding dress.
Interpretation: One can say that this dream refers to an integration of the feminine with the masculine. And in the elements of the psyche, an elevation, climbing the mountain can mean an attenuation of her features, scars and a purification of her fragmented self, her persona, represented by white clothing.
Dream:She saw a hole. She, her daughter, her mother, and her instructor X woke up and saw the moon.
Interpretation: It can be said that she comes out of a dark element that is the hole, reborn in the ternary and awakens to something on the light that is represented by the moon.
Dream: She was naked at home. She saw her father, and he said, “What is it, daughter?” She ran to get dressed and saw stages, and then she sees crystal clear water with bubbles. She was suddenly delighted. She was wearing a pair of men’s shorts.
Interpretation: One can say that, once again, we see attenuation of the fragmented self, she appears naked, without clothes, without persona, but back behind, she is not prepared yet, she still has incestuous desire and guilt towards her father, because she puts on her clothes. The shorts represent a masculine identification or a connection with Oedipus complex. Contents of dreams like this one show what she has achieved and what she has yet to advance.
Dream: She meets her father in spirit, he passes through the wall and gives his brother a hug and puts two plastics in his eyes.
Interpretation: She reports that it meant meeting the deceased father. She is already living in a certain conscious self that allows her a transindividual perception of the father, he crosses the wall, then experiences elements beyond time and space. It can be said that, with seal in the eyes, plastic, something has advanced and also something that she does not see.
Evolution: The patient is asymptomatic of panic disorders, except in heavy stress situations, such as airplane turbulence, travel disorders.
Vital Integration – Second Stage – Second Stage: Following CH 4200
Dream: She would come in and have surgery to fix her head in place.
Interpretation: You can say that she can put her head in place in a more integrated place. It is observed that this dream demonstrates how Therapeutics gradually integrates thinking, the new thinking, feeling and will of the person.
Dream: She went to do a test and gave up. A cousin comes in and gives her a gauge. She could not do the test. And at the same time, her mother’s house caught fire in the walls.
Interpretation: You can say she is demonstrating her anxiety and fear to do the test, but at the same time her mother stimulates her awareness with fire. The mother demonstrates her difficulty, but also advancement.
Dream: Moving house. Dora arrives to meet her, she sees a laboratory, and she had to get things off the refrigerator so they did not spoil. On the side of the wall and inside the truck, a guy had left 3 keys, and where will he be now?
Interpretation: One can say that this dream shows a ransom from her feeling, she takes away spoiled things from within herself, which are still locked, and so someone gives her the keys to open herself, her self-more conscious beyond triangulation.
Second Stage – Third Stage – Emotional Integration: After CH 4.900
Dream: A boy shoots her boyfriend out the window and she turns into a big dog. She was worried, she came back and the boy had given birth to a baby who is her husband’s son. She took care of the baby. Her husband arrives and says he did not know, and says he was the son of a woman. Another pregnant woman is coming up the stairs again. “Why did she do this to me?” She asks her husband and then she separates from him.
Interpretation: This dream demonstrates the beginning of the second emotional integration in which she arrives aftercontacting primitive elements like the big dog. She literally gives birth and takes care of herself. There is a breakthrough in meaningful self-awareness from darkness to light. The second emotional integration is very important, since it promotes a significant advance in the attenuation of elements that can mean death drives, behind a rise from the Nigredo to the Albedo and it is the first significant exit of the first “hell” of consciousness. Climbing the stairs means more attenuation of her identifications, scars and scripts. She moves beyond Oedipus complex, because she takes care of the child that her husband had with another woman. She observes two rebirths, the first was in the first emotional integration and this is the second one. It is a breakthrough beyond triangulation. This is the significant beginning of the departure from Plato’s cave.
Dream: The mother was going up the stairs and fell, and she made her feel guilty. There was a transformation of guilt.
Interpretation: It can be said that there is attenuation of feeling guilty in the relation with the mother represented in oedipal elements or others.
Second Stage – Mental Integration – Fourth Stage: Following of CH 5.000
Dream: There were two dogs and her husband. She is hungry and her husband wants to give the dog. ‘’Why? Do you have insomnia?’’ On this day, he was charged.
Interpretation: One can say that the husband is one of the animalistic mental aspects of her animus, expresses herself in a primitive element and the contact with him makes her feel anguish and anxiety because she seeks her less conscious, less primitive self.
Dream: She was going to travel; the driver calls her on the street. She went downstairs and her husband gave her an orange.
Interpretation: The husband can be said to give her a feminine element, round, and in contact with her animus she comes in contact with her feminine self plus the masculine, it originates the center of the psyche that can be called the orange, the feminine in itself, it attenuates the aspects of the animal mentioned in the dream above, the two dogs.
Dream: She had two scorpions in her hands, one she throws through the window and the other, she closed the door and it did not enter.
Interpretation: It may be said that she attenuates an archaic animalistic element, very representative of elements similar to death instinct. It attenuates the element in which shebetraysherself;itmay represent perverse aspects of her ego, her animality that inhabits her mental realm which makes it difficult to get in touch with her own self, the core of her own self and her feelings. She arrives in the heart, the center of herself, by the hands in relationship with another; this liberates the hands of instinctive elements of these renewed contacts closer to her conscious “I”.
Dream: She feeds on a host.
Interpretation: It can be said that this shows she ceases to be nourished by elements of the death drive from the previous dream to, now, feed on life drive, symbolically represented by the body of Christ, by the host. She then begins to feed on herself. There we see a mental transformation, an attenuation of the ego and expansion of the integrated self.
Dream: With the instructor who asks “how are you?”, and she replies that she is cured.
Interpretation: One can say that she responds to herself that she is healed, and that she has advanced in her life drive and to mitigate the symptoms.
Dream: She goes to the instructor’s house, starts to clean it and scraped the square floor.
Interpretation: It can be said that she cleanses herself something of her connection with the four dense earthly elements which can mean projections, imaginary, identifications.
Dream: She was being chased and a man helps her.
Interpretation: It can be said that there is attenuation of her complex of guilt interconnected to Oedipus complex. She is integrated and she has the company of herself, of her own animus. This dream resembles the dream of the end of the first stage, in which she is in the marriage of her father with her sister. It demonstrates the integration in the psyche of the feminine and masculine elements as it occurs in Therapeutics, expands the self-consciousness, demonstrating a path for the drive of life, then for the improvement of symptoms and for a positive action in the individual.
Dream: She is at her friend’s house in one city in the inner of the country, washing clothes, and there is a short-circuit in the wire.
Interpretation: It can be said that there is advancement on attenuation of the complex automata; washing clothesattenuates her persona, she advances in her conscious “I”.But it shows that there are still elements of mismatch: the short-circuit inherself shows she needs to move a little further towards the contact with her own self.
The patient is practically asymptomatic with regard to panic syndrome. She has mild arterial hypertension of family origin.
Third Stage – First Phase – Physical Body Integration: Rebirth
Clinical and psychological evolution: Patient reports being calmer, practically asymptomatic, except in special situations such as airplane turbulence in which she had an episode of tachycardia and used Rivotril 0.5 mgs. Now, she is better, more centered and secure, as she herself said in dreams to her instructor, she feels healed. He maintained the use of hydrochlorothiazide 50 mgs, once a day for her hypertension.
After CH 6.300
Dream: Brother, mother and godfather had a conflict. She had a white dog with her godfather. She walked on waters of the sea. She felt a release, clarity, cleanliness.
Interpretation: Here we observe liberation of the integrated self, the dense aquatic, advancement in individuation. You could say she had a conflict with her godfather. This dream represents a rebirth, in which she poses herself in a softer way, and feeling freedom in relation to this conflict, resentments, hurts and her ability to overcome them. She accepts the limit of the self and the other a little more and she attenuates this aspect, living in her most affective way. There was a melting of her feeling, and the integration with heat, with the stove. And now she walks over waters, freeing herself from the Nigredo of consciousness, the “hell of conscience.” Her unconscious instinctual, primitive pathogenic elements, her complexes of guilt, low esteem and attenuation of Oedipus complex have been attenuated, and she advances to a fuller consciousness in the emotional body. Here, it may be said, is located her first stage of “enlightenment.” Archetypically she directs, navigates her life on a first sea of the unconscious.
Dream: Go down and see your instructor, he would try to straighten the window.
Interpretation: It can be said she is in relation to herself, which may be represented in her instructor, he expands possibility, opens windows.
Dream: She sees a clear crystal, 2 transparent crystal balls. She leaves that place and jumps another 3 stages.
Interpretation: There is a rise, a rebirth beyond 3, her triangular structure, her connection with the third dimension and her advancement in the path of light, represented by the crystal. It is clearly observed that she leaves the first cave of “Plato”.
Dream: She walks in mud, to prepareher food.
Dream: She went up several stairs to get into the house, and there was a roof landfill, and she was going to do an internship. It was up and there were rocks and it was slipping. She asked for support.
Interpretation: You can say that the two dreams represent the removal of the mud, a climb to the house that is her own, besides the mud, besides “Plato’s cave.”
Dream: She was inside a car at a health clinic. She sees a threat and goes to the reception desk with her daughter. She asks for protection and a man helps her. She came back, locked the car, and was not robbed.
Interpretation: It can be said that there is a rebirth in which she has less loss of energy in relation to the other. She is more on control of herself.
Evolution symbols of consciousness from the ninth phase – The first exit of Plato´s Cave
From the emotional integration of the second stage to this, the patient goes through a rebirth, gives birth to herself with attenuation of animality, the dog that becomes a boy after a woman and gives birth. She climbs the stairs, frees herself from the scorpions in both hands, feeds on the host and nourishes herself. Again, attenuation of animality, of complexes, of fragmented self, and of integration with elements of the conscious or integrated self-representing the self, the center of the psyche of the individual is observed. She goes to her instructor’s house which can be a representation of the self, cleansing concerning the four elements which may signify attenuation of traces of repetition, which expresses the numbness of the self in the “matter” in the unconscious, individual, collective and transpersonal. She finally follows for a further rebirth, another stage of transformation: first stage in the third stage, when she meets a white puppy, Albedo, purification, which may represent more attenuation of animality, of negative emotions, of complex, and walks over the water. She is detached from the dense aquatic, and overcomes obstacles, rises above the mud, opens windows, possibilities of vision beyond elements of repetition, she sees crystals, she has more clarity, she has more self-awareness for a closer approximation of her conscious “I” integrated.
History ALPHA 2 – Main diagnosis: anxietyanddepressivedisorders, mild arterial hypertension
This historyispresented especially due to several dreams with significant elements of symbols of attenuation of the “animal” in the first two or three stages, until the nine phasewithonce a week;it wonderfully enriches the process of self-knowledge and evolution of the individual with the contents of their dreams.
It is about a female person, aged 43, she complains about anxiety disorders, insomnia, and presents previous history of mild gastritis, panic syndrome, mild hypertensionsince9 months now, with use of the antihypertensive, now interrupted. Patient had undergone psychotherapeutic treatment for since around two years ago.
Mental Symptoms:Anxiety about the future. Choleric and blood temperament.
Headache by ATM. Maxillary tension.
For the examination P.A. 160 / 90mmhg.
Remaining none of these alternatives
Report of dreams before treatment.
Integrative Therapy:First consultation
Dream: She picks up a car, it even turns into something non-steerable or she drives it uncontrollably.
After self-improvement course.
Dream: She gets in the car and drives her little car, it was an old Volkswagen…
Dream: That she was on a treadmill that was double and suddenly the mat broke, she tried to climb it and didn’t get it.
Interpretation of dreams prior to treatment with Integrative Therapy (M.I.H.T.):
It can be said that it seeks to take the direction of itself in its existence, but cannot effect it, loses control of the car that will mean its control, individual, in the relation with itself and with the other. In the third dream, she proves to be a seeker, she tries to get out of repeating her repetition patterns, but she cannot climb … to climb the mountain, to overcome them. We will see later what happens in their mental expressions through dreams and their clinical and personal transformations.
Dream: She was in the water with a cousin, and the two are trying to climb on a boat. There was a tsunami, but she was not afraid.
Interpretation: She tries to climb the boat, seeks a movement of evolution and overcoming but she cannot.
First Stage First Phase – Physical Body Integration: Rebirth –After the use of the CH 15 to CH 700.
Clinical and Psychological Evolution:dreams in phases and stages. Evolution: General improvement, less depressive and less anxious, without manifestations of extra-systole, but maintaining mild insomnia. A little calmer she can express herself with the other, it is implicated in her history but her symptoms continue and she uses antihypertensive drugs and Alprazolan to sleep. Use of more phytotherapic medicine with the same goal.
Dream: She was riding a bicycle, in a car, she could not take a direction and she knows she has to take the direction of the mountain.
Interpretation:Beingon a bicycle may already mean an attenuation of the identifying triangulation and expansion of self-consciousness beyond the emotional and mental reflexes of Oedipus complex. She knew she had to take the direction of the mountain; she was aware but not integrated enough to take that direction.
Dream: She was at her sister’s house, opening the refrigerator and getting rid of spoiled food, spoiled red fruits, throwing them away.
Interpretation:She is faced with identifications with her sister; indifference in relationship with the other (the refrigerator), then unable to take direction from a core of consciousness in herself, preventing her from coming in contact with her feelings, but she cleanses her negative nutrition so she can act in a less “neurotic” way, more integrated with her thinking, feeling and will.
First Stage Second Phase – Vital Integration: From CH 800 to CH 1400
Evolution: She finds herself better, decides to return to an old relationship, make choices according to her integrative process in her thinking to feel and will, reflex of her evolution in contact with her feelings or herself.
Dream: She was at a family party in an unfamiliar place and she danced with people. She is going to get a pitanga (Brazilian cherry) in a bush, taking out the spoiled ones and leaving the ripe ones … suddenly she sees a caterpillar spider, catches it, puts it in a bucket, but the spider tries to escape. The patient tried to hold it and lock it in a box with the caterpillars.
Interpretation: There is an attenuation of neurosis, of complexes of guilt. There is a party, a tantrum, more flexible, frees herself from repression, for a pleasure, concomitantly begins to nourish herself and makes the choice for the vital and good fruit. It is presented, therefore, with attenuation of animalistic, instinctive elements, the spider and caterpillars, which are condensed in a series of meanings, oedipal identifications, triangulation, that comes as reported in Freud’s theory and in several others. It has a correlation with the aspects of the “Myth of the Fall of Paradise” presented archetypically, symbolically in our psyche. The caterpillars may represent an archaic serpent attenuated element, representative of man in hell or living on the domain of imaginary projections, especially the complex of guilt. The spider may represent aspects of her personality acquired by oedipal identifications.
Dream: She picks up her car, and manages to drive it … but she still did not know the direction.
Interpretation: Advances in the search for direction of the self, but not enough to take the right direction.
Dream: She was at her grandmother’s house, her mother had put several puppies along with her husband, and she cursed him because he did not help her organize the animals … suddenly she saw that one of the puppies had become indigo blue. She looks and sees ducklings at the moment.
Interpretation: One more attenuation of her animality through the blue puppy, blue means the exit of the repetition of patterns. Here, it is attenuation of behavior patterns;itshows attenuation of the identification of personality with her grandmother. She cursed, had a temper with her grandmother because she was not integrated enough with her animus represented in her husband, but, suddenly, there is a transformation.
Dream: She was with her husband in a city with several zombies as if they were undead people and ready to attack her and other people. Suddenly she can get rid of them all. She goes to the toilet, and does a lot of poop.
Interpretation: Now with her animus, we identify inner male aspects of the psyche, so she can get rid of negative aspects of her fragmented ego, her unconscious, dead self living as zombies. By eliminating faces, she reinforces the attenuation of her ego, mental elements dominated by triangulation, “three shades” (HODIN, 1960).
First Stage – Third Phase – Emotional Integration
Evolution:She reports being calmer, expressing her feelings better.
Dreamsafter CH 1500 to CH2100
Dream: She was with her husband’s family, with her sister-in-law. Suddenly she sees a pregnant niece.
Interpretation: She undergoes a rebirth, an attenuation of her personality traits similar to those of her sister-in-law, represented in her niece. Let’s say that she has a prelude to a wider rebirth in the first phase of the third stage, considered the basic treatment, referring to the first exit of the “cave”.
First Stage Fourth Phase – Mental Integration – Conduct: Nux. Vom./Sepia/Natr. Mur./Aur. Met./Nux. Vom. – CH 2200 à CH 2800
Evolution: She reports that she is actually living a rebirth in her life, coming out of depression, livelier, more herself, with greater clarity and tranquility related to her feelings and her will.
Dream: She was with her father, they went together somewhere. She felt him in the role of a father.
Interpretation: There is attenuation of feelings of abandonment, involved in the complex of Oedipus or even of her history. She feels safer, and reports a better side of her father. There is attenuation of memories from her negative side, aggressive, impulsive, and indifferent.
Dream: She was cycling in a very intense traffic and there was someone else guiding her, she is not distressed, she is well.
Interpretation: She can direct herself in the relationship with herself and with the other, showing attenuation of the triangulation, still identified or directing with the other.
Dream: She was in Rome, with an acquaintance angelical name, and she went to Paris to buy makeup.
Interpretation: She takes the road to The City of Light, Paris, she is integrated with a male figure, her animus with angelic aspects, which can mean inflorescences in the psyche, nutrition of luminous elements, of insights that allow her to do everything. She already knows the direction to herself, but she still buys a makeup. There is enlightenment in the conscious self but there is still the persona, element represented by the makeup.
Dream: She was in the kitchen of her maternal grandmother with a man who ruled the house and they set up the closet. She was cleaning it and taking things away, so she would gather so many things together. She sees a white stone.
Interpretation: She advances in the attenuation of personality traits similar to her grandmother, she attenuates her nebulous visions, sees them white, more clearly.
Dream: She was in a house in the Mediterranean, she helped people trying to put light fixtures on the ceiling in an artistic way and discussed how that light could affect the environment.
Interpretation: She has more illumination in her mental perceptions. She begins to emerge from the “Plato’s cave”, from the domain of the unconscious.
Second Stage First Stage Physical Body–Integration – Conduct: Nux. Vom./Sepia/Natr. Mur./Aur. Met./Nux. Vom. – CH 2900 à CH 3500
Evolution:She reports herself relating with the other with less mockery, nitpicking and less need for control. She walks in a different way in her professional life.
Dream: She was in a large round pool. Then this pool turns into the sea and her mother takes her to her house and shows her a mother fox with puppies. She saw the animals without fear.
Interpretation: Shelies in herself, and attenuates her fox identification with the mother, she has a rebirth. Those elements appear attenuated in the puppies.
Dream: She was on a farm, siege, in the middle of the beach sand, she and a man were digging and picking up objects from children. Suddenly, a pack of wolves appears, she sends them away.
Interpretation: There is attenuation of her identifications with primitive aspects similar to the wolf, her aggressiveness and impulsiveness, which are now attenuated. There was a rebirth, represented in the transformation of symbols and in the presence of children.
Second Stage Second Phase – Vital Body Integration – Conduct: Nux. Vom./Sepia/Natr. Mur./Aur. Met./Nux. Vom. – CH 3600 a CH 4200
Evolution: Advancing the attenuation of feelings of guilt in relation to each other. Shifting her position, she is quieter.
Dream: She was with a man, he was her companion and on abeach there were several obstacles, suddenly she arrived at a very tropical hotel. In the hall, there was a lake with beautiful tropical fish, abruptly, all this turned into a bakery and a kind of factory that opens and there are fish and breads.
Interpretation: It can be said that she is somewhat integrated with her animus. She begins her journey in the “hand of God” in contact with the element fish and bread that condense several meanings, among them the most important is the proximity to the center of the psyche as a symbolic image of Christ as herself. She reaches for the second time for vital integration and then presents symbolic images of this broader stage of vital organization.
Dream: She was in an old school kind of place with him. It had several rooms; she sees a chic marble hall, opens it and sees a door. She opens and enters a European university, downstairs there was a Persian market and she sees it going upstairs and catching fire, saving his mother.
Interpretation: It can be said that she is with him, integrated in her feminine and masculine aspect, she advances in her conscience, she opens a door, climbs the stairs and she is seen in a script of savior in relation with her mother.
Dream: She was in a World War type place, and she had to cross the border and she did not find her ID and only found money, 23 reais. The husband was with her, and left her. She could not go out alone.
Interpretation: Represents a stage of phantom, of conflict, without identity of itself, in a state of abandonment before the separation of its animus.
Second Stage – Third Stage – Emotional Body Integration: Dreams after CH 4300 to CH 4900
Evolution: She reports being more attentive to elements of her own ego, selfishness, arrogance, of her elements of manipulation, “the spider”, shefeels more spontaneous, calmer, feeling less anxiety, only in sporadic situations.
Dream:She is in a family, in an immense tree, there would be an alien attack and they had to change their clothes. She sees a closet with clothes, they are of several colors. She took the yellow shirt.
Interpretation: It can be said that she chooses a color linked to the aspects of advancement to the consciousness of elements of which she has perception, attenuating her persona, it demonstrates her more conscious or in her integrated self with the other.
Dream: She with her friend isgoing somewhere. It was arid, desert-like, with rocks, and the donkeys did not pass. And then they took the elevator and it did not work. Everything had turned into a market. There were several booths; they had to get into alleyways. Suddenly, she is in a shed and moves away from her and suddenly the truck and the bus passes by. Then they were in a shed and she cried, and there was an older man who supported her. Then she’s with a man with tattoos on his arm, she had a look at him and hurt him.
Interpretation:She enters into spaces of her consciousness, approaches the animal element (the donkey) in a desert (arid situation), she advances to go up, but she cannot, but receives the support of the father, she makes an emotional advance. When she gets involved in the scarsofher animus, it hurts.
Dream: She took a frog that jumped and grasped it.
Interpretation: Attenuation of the instinctive animalistic element similar the frog, which can mean improvement of her self-esteem, the image of herself, less unquiet.
Second Stage Fourth Phase – Mental Body Integration Evolution– Conduct: Nux. Vom./Sepia/Natr. Mur./Aur. Met./Nux. Vom. CH 5000 to CH 5600
Evolution: She reports feeling better, more affective, calmer, dealing better with her feelings.
Dream: She was in the back of her house and had cleaned up remains of works, boards, rubble.
Interpretation: she makes mental cleansing of the construction of herself.
Dream: She enters to get a badge of a club and sees a puppy pointing to the door. When she entered, she saw several people from her training job. She saw a college classmate who says it’s good to see her.
Interpretation: There is an attenuation of the puppy aspect, impulsive element. She have one I more expansive.
Dream: She was in an American history museum, she was on a ladder, when a person arrived, someone had stolen a gold watch and she was wanted for it. She opened and closed doors. As she went down the white marble stairs, she saw a wild bull in the middle of the road coming towards her. Her husband gave it bamboo to eat and it calmed down; she went alone by a road, and the more she walked, the more she sank in the mud;shecontinued on that path, and got out of the mud. When she looked to the ground, she saw a tractor tire and went somewhere else to avoid sinking.
Interpretation: Now she advances on the ladder which represents an attenuation of mental repetition patterns; she achieves further attenuation of her animality in the encounter with her husband, her animus, she advances in her mental slime and comes out of the mud.
Third Stage First Phase – Integration of the physical body: Rebirth
Evolution: She reports being asymptomatic regarding depression and insomnia. She experiences being asymptomatic of arterial hypertension, and reports significant improvement in herself, being lighter, happier and with a sense of well-being. She is less impulsive, and less aggressive. She feels more affectionate, and breaks the ice of a relationship, advancing affectively and inself-knowledge. She reports being less introverted.
Dreams after CH 5700 to CH 6300
Dream: Nightmare, she sleeps and dreams that she woke up, something bad is chasing after her.
Interpretation:we can observe that a wake up is a positive evolution, but to feel persecuted to mean that she has already guilt feelings.
Dream:A dog full of puppies. One woman spoke English and called her for coffee in the kitchen. She speaks English.
Interpretation: There is an attenuation guilt´s feelings and negative projections in a relation with her mother.She gets to recognize the love of “kitchen”, place that we can have the nutrition of love.
Dream: She was on a boat, had a baby with her sister-in-law, and she cared for the baby.
Interpretation: It is observed that being on a boat means that it already has a certain dominance of the aquatic density, of pathogenic unconscious contents. She obtains a rebirth thereafter, in relation to the identification with its sister-in-law’s, today it is a new person, more individualized and she manages to be more herself, with fewer primitive impulses and autonomous complexes and fewer symptoms.
Evolution symbols of consciousness from the ninth phase -The first exit of Plato´s Cave
She has a rebirth, above the mud from the previous dream. She is on the boat with some mastery of the unconscious and there is attenuation of the animal with the integration with her animus. In the second dream, we still find feelings of guilt, feelings of persecution. In the third dream, she is accepted into the kitchen by her mother, she receives a coffee, she attenuates Oedipus complex and animality. In the fourth dream, she has a rebirth;she has an approach to the center of the psyche, of herself. There is an attenuation of traces of repetition, personality and behavior, similar to her sister-in-law; she is on the boat on the water. It is observed that she reaches a space beyond the dense aquatic element. She advances beyond the first “Plato’s cave.”
She opens the refrigerator, she attenuates her indifference to herself and to the other, she contacts with the center of the psyche, feelings, heart, she chooses the best fruit, she frees herself from the caterpillars and the spider crab, from the repetitive elements represented in animalistic aspects. She attenuates the elements concerning the myth, “Cain kills Abel,” which originated from the main myth in our culture, the “Myth of the Fall of Paradise”, a dispute between brothers, among people, that generates conflicts that turn into wars, self-destructive processes, inserted in correspondence to Oedipus complex. She attenuates zombie aspects, elements of shadow and death drive. She revives in inflorescences in the psyche next to the Angelo, it stimulates clarity in the psyche. She illuminates the house in herself; she advances in the domain of unconscious pathogenic contents. She attenuates repetition of the archaic animality of the fox, it may also be an identification with her mother, and a repetition of the wolves. She advances over more obstacles, she experiences fish and bread elements, which refer to the approximation of the conscious, integrated self. She climbs stairs, she attaches herself to a frog, she cleans remains of work, she manages to tame a bull and comes out of the mud. She attenuates her animality once again, expressed in the puppies, she has a rebirth on the boat, the first rebirth took place at the end of the first stage with the “pregnancy” of herself displaced in her niece. All of this shows that she finds herself, releasing a repetition of patterns, elements that fragmented her, similar to her sister-in-law and probably to her mother-in-law. The boat can demonstrate a certain integration of the unconscious with the conscious, certain illumination at that stage.
History Alpha 3
It is a history of individuation of the female until the ninth phase, at age 43 and has as its main complaint, emotional instability, mixed disorders of anxiety and depression, disorders of concentration, insomnia.
First Stage – First phase – Integration of the Physical Body – Conduct: Nux. Vom./Sepia/Natr. Mur./Aur. Met./Nux. Vom. – CH15 to CH 700
Evolution: Report that you are a little more calm, sleep a little better, less depressive and a little livelier.
Dream – That I was in college and I was going to make a presentation and managed to talk.
Interpr. It can be said, she release some repressions, like some traumas of the past and the identificatorybehaviors.Then she received one stimulus of the M.I.H.T. to initiates the contact and its more conscious Self that is born through the expression, the speech.
Dream – That she was with her father / paternal family, she tries to talk to someone normal, and could not speak normal, spoke as if she were a retarded child. She is welcomed by her father, who can hear her.
Interpr. It can be said that now she has was been listened by her father and she has gottheattenuation of the feeling of abandonment in relation to the father who listens to her, who welcomes her.
Dream- He dreams that his next of kin who raped her and tied her to a tree and that she returned as revenge and obsessed him with a figure behind him.
Interpr. It can be said that it has a negative memory regarding the near relative in relation to the previous dream of the past or comes in contact with imaginative projective elements.
First Stage – Second phase – Vital body integration – Conduct:
Sequence Nux Vom./Sepia/Natr. Mur./Aur. Met./Nux. Vom. – CH800 to CH1400
Evolution: You are more energetic, more excited, advancing in your projects.
No memories of dreams at this stage.
First Stage – Third phase – Integration of the Emotional body – Conduct:Nux. Vom./Sepia/Natr. Mur./Aur. Met./Nux. Vom. CH 1500 to CH 2100
Evolution: You are calmer, less impulsive, less irritable, you feel better.
Dream – He had a dream that was in an institution, he sees a beast, a monster and her husband protects her, with him alone.
Interpr. It can be said that it has an integrative impulse with the masculine element of its husband and distances itself from its primitive and autonomous complexes that has some relationship of the animality ant the temperaments.
First Stage – Fourth Phase – Mental Integration – Conduct: NuxVom./Sepia/Natr. Mur./Aur. Met./Nux. Vom. – CH2200 to CH2800
Evolution:More stable mentally, with less worries, with improvement of its concentration.
Dream-She at her grandmother’s house and looked at the bedroom window and saw a lot of people. Spirits and saw the grandmother, who was touched and embraced her. Grandma asks about her sister, she did not cry and saw her sister crying alone.
Interpr. It can be said that she has an opening in her eyes, sees something beyond her grandmother’s house, through the window, expands her vision. It can be said that there is an attenuation of identifying patterns with this grandmother and that she rescues an affective encounter with her.
Dream – That he was in a coastal city and saw a tsunami. She took her mother and wanted to go upstairs, she called her husband. And he managed to get into a house and climb up to the second floor. He picked up the phone and could not work.
Interpr. It can be said that she already has a stronger Self, can enter a house, have an elevation within herself, go up to the second floor and attenuate negative thoughts, like tsunami that astonished her.
Dream- In a house with several rooms, she saw a pool and in spirit merged into a man’s body, to get out of this joint, she could separate from this body.
Interpr. It can be said that it approaches a swimming pool, which is an element of herself and has an attenuation of a masculine identification.
Dream – She went to her grandmother’s house and she made omelets. On the second floor she saw through the window, saw an antique shop and saw an antique chandelier. There her sister saw her buying a chandelier, dear, she did not need to buy, and she could not go upstairs.
Interpr. It can be said that it nourishes itself, it has a rebirth in relation to the identifications with the grandmother, it has one more opening of vision, through a window, it sees the luminous element, it thinks expensive more purchase, it is observed that there is a clarification, a Resignification of your thoughts,
Second Stage – First phase – Integration of the physical body – Conduct: Sequence Nux. Vom./Sepia/Natr. Mur./Aur. Met./Nux. Vom. – CH2900 to CH 3500
Evolution: You are more relaxed, with your better sleep, you advance in your professional life, you are more satisfied, happy, and less depressive.
Dream – She was swimming in a pool full of plants and they took her son inside, they managed to resurrect him, but he almost died.
Interpr. It can be said that it acquires a rebirth, she gets one stimulus a life drive. She is saved himself for some marcs and identificatory patterns and behaviors, it renews an animus within herself.
Dream – She was with a friend and wanted to cross the street. The friend says “take a horse’s direction”, excludes and has difficulty crossing the street.
Interpr. It can be said that she makes a displacement of her identifications to her friend, who probably has a personality similar to hers and acquire one stimulus to take a horse´s direction that it means to realize to not create obstacles to her achievements.
Dream- That there was a group of thorn-type pockets. She was a leader of one group and her husband of another, in opposition groups. That she has the last chance to save herself and save others. She was the instrument of the fall and that the gang got angry at her because she diverted people from the path.
Interpr. It can be said that she becomes aware of being in a situation of fragment and dispute inside herself and coming into contact with elements of guilt within herself.
Dream- With a friend at the time she was studying in college. She went to the birthday of her son, his daughter. When they left, they left by boat.
Interpr. It can be said that it has a rebirth in relation to these previous negative elements; it manages to have a certain mastery of these unconscious pathogenic contents.
Dream- A friend’s house went to the bathroom poor, sits in the pot the door opens and continues to poop.
Interpr. It can be said that it is having an elimination and attenuation of elements of a fragmented self. It opens a door and expands its conscious self, with more humility in relation to its limitations, a poor, simpler place.
Dream- She was playing in the phone and was in the middle of the game and was going to catch a sailboat. The place I was going to meet with them goes to a building that has a younger girl. And she says that she will if the girl does not want to. She sees a glass door. She goes inside a bus and she meets some woman with her husband.
Interpr. It can be said that it tries again to advance on its pathogenic contents of the unconscious that means her dispute feelings in the game; she went to catch the boat, through the rebirth of a younger child. She meets on couple inside the bus, that means that she is more free in her life.
Second Stage – Second phase – Integration of the vital body – Conduct: Nux. Vom./Sepia/Natr. Mur./Aur. Met./Nux. Vom. CH3600 to CH4200
Evolution: He reports that he feels less guilty and more valued in relation to the other.
Dream – She in a wooden house with plants and trees needed new land. And her husband did not want to; there was a tractor to do earthmoving, to put in the garden.
Interpr. It can be said that it has signifiers that show that it has a stimulus to self-love, the vitality, to renewal, although its masculine element is not in favor that means still some fragmentation yet.
Dream – She was in a boarding school with a dirty bathroom, with stools in the sink, with plants, without a door. Your roommate’s sister hands you a skin cream.
Interpr. It can be said that despite significant signs of dirt, it gains a skin cream, which means a breakthrough in cleaning in her thoughts, in her mind.
Dream – She’s in the area of the neighborhood in the holy family, a man takes a mango, gives her the fruit and takes her to another house and her father and his wife eat it. The manicure gives up because it fainted too much.
Interpr. It can be said that she finds herself in an attenuated element of identifying patterns, there is a stimulus to the sacred, the father and the mother, “eat the fruit,” already nourish themselves with a more conscious self. She was wake up by the manicure, that means she acquired one stimulus of herself, the hands has with a relationship with the heart, still faints when the manicure try to get her nails done. The dreams in M.I.H.T. always show elements already advanced and what still remain to be worked.
Dreams – A cousin of her husband called, and told him to go to Seven Lakes, and he says his brothers are cousins.
Interpr. It can be said that a stimulus occurs for a certain stabilization of the internal aquatic element (name of the city Seven Lakes). We can see archetypal elements of the baptism of the consciousness.
Dream – That she would have lunch with a woman, who would have shrimp risotto with shoe foot. She throws it on the table, she cleans the table and she got hooked and she replies that she will not eat food with shoes. And she said she had to position herself and the guy on the show agreed not to eat her.
Interpr. It is observed that it has a stimulus to the nutrition of itself, but still with dense projective element and identificatory patterns, marks in the middle, represented by the shoes. She says no to this negative nutritional imposition which may represent attenuation of feelings of guilt toward the mother.
Dream -She was in a place where there was a primate with hairy tail, taking something with humans. Someone important left and went to stay with her. At this hour he was a man and she a girl.
Interpr. It is observed that there is an attenuation of instinctive elements related to the animality, it is evident a humanization and at the same time, beyond the integrative process, where the man and the woman meet together.
Second Stage – Third Phase – Integration of the emotional body – Conduct: – Nux. Vom./Sepia/Natr. Mur./Aur. Met./Nux. Vom. -CH4200 to CH 4900
Evolution: You are calmer, less impulsive.
Dream – That she had fractured her left hand and to mend she cut it, but her hand hung. She is taken to the hospital and shown a thread from which to sew her hand.
Interpr. It can be said that there are integrative impulses toward the Self, represented in the seam of the hand, where its extension goes in the heart, in the center of itself. This dream is one advanced of the dreams of manicure; she can get now more contact with your center of herself in her heart.
Second Stage – Fourth Phase – Mental Body Integration – Conduct: Nux. Vom./Sepia/Natr. Mur./Aur. Met./Nux. Vom. -CH5000 to CH 5600
Evolution: It is observed that it is, more secure, centered, with its clearer objectives.
Dream – That she was on a trip, at an airport in Europe, with her husband who was arrested and was released soon after, the image of exploding, people dying and multiplied, and she watching an attack.
Interpr. It can be said that she has a greater lightness, to be in an airport, about to raise a flight, in front of its innumerable contents pathogenic unconscious. Actually she is about to leave the dense aquatic and enter the air element, which means the first exit in the “Plato’s Cave”.
Dream – That she was with a lot of people, music and art festival and Sunday, in a big house she rented, with a family with several children. The mistress of the house was having a sensational coffee. She took the coffee, but it was juice and she poured it on the table, she was dying of shame.
Interpr. It can be said that it has an attenuation of fragmented negative elements of the previous dream, it is able to be in a lighter environment, of music, on a Sunday, it has a greater mental space in its consciousness before the other, it is received in the house of a woman, if Nourishes a juice, but let’s fall. It can be said to have a meaning of having a breakthrough, a nurturing stimulus in the “mother’s” home, but still feels guilty after it.
Third Stage – First phase – Integration of the physical body – Conduct: – Nux. Vom./Sepia/Natr. Mur./Aur. Met./Nux. Vom.CH 5700 a CH 6.300
Evolution: You are much lighter, happier; asymptomatic from your insomnia.
Dream – She was with her sister by car and they went to buy something at the pharmacy and got back. Suddenly, her sister, riding a bicycle with two wheels, was “lost” but knowing where they were.
Interpr. It can be said that she makes a displacement to her sister who is riding a bicycle, which means that there has already been a mitigation of the triangular and identifying elements, she stays on the two wheels, but not knowing which direction to take.
Dream- There was a man and a woman who did not know about their emotions and began to discover about their feelings, the woman talks about nature and about fruits. The man goes and picks up an apple.
Interpr. It can be said that she has a stimulus to be integrated with her feminine and masculine archetypal elements, intensifies her contact with her feelings and approaches the nutrition of herself.
Dream – On a beach where rich people go, where it was offers a horse ride. He brings horses and a llama all painted with fur with a silk. The llama arrives near her and wanted a fondness. When they leave, they have an elevator; they pass by the supermarket to go home. She finds herself at a dining table.
Interpr. It can be said that it has an impulse to be the knight of itself, at the same time it attenuates its primitive elements in relation to this animality “llama” element, gets fondness of it. There is an elevation in itself, it nourishes itself in the supermarket from its conscious self, it approaches the center of itself, it is on a table.
Dream – She was taking a course that her husband and she with her baby, with round, bushy charms. In this course, the sister also asked for a clay ball and leaves the ball in one place. And she thinks her baby was doing something, went to the playground and came back full of mud, stayed in the mud and was afraid to drown in it.
Interpr. It can be said that she has contact with her fear of being drowned in her unconscious elements of pathogenic contents and want to go out of this “stage of consciousness inside of “the mud”.
Dream – She was in India, traveling clandestinely and went to a wheat field. An angry tiger emerges, and the puppy jokingly plays.
Interpr. It can be said that a rebirth, an attenuation of its elements of its animality and its heredity.
Dream – See a woman surviving a shipwreck. It’s on a farm with a running board floor. This woman becomes their protector and suddenly, a pirate appears, and they hide. The woman took her to a place, to be hidden. When he looks at the cistern, he sees bats saying that it can come down, that it is safe. She was frightened. She goes down the stairs, she was a witch, and the man was crazy, she has the taste of coal texture.
Interpr. It can be said that she is represented one woman who survives of the shipwreck and one woman that survives of the negative pathogenic contents unconsciousness.
Dream- He went to get a child in a house, saw his toys on the way and the apartment very messy. He went to the bathroom and saw several toothbrushes. Why all this, if you do not even use it?
Interpr. It can be said that before the mess, of its fragmentation, there is a stimulus of brushing the teeth that means a strengthening of the structure of the Self.
Dream – The guests won a golden wedding gown.
Interpr. We observe integrative elements that stimulate the expression of the self with greater awareness, represented in the golden phone.
Dream – On a very busy beach you have the street and the beach close by. There’s a car in the water. Suddenly, the water comes out of the car and it gets out of it.
Interpr. It can be said that it advances in the dense aquatic, which means unconscious elements of which it wants to dominate.
Dream – In a classroom, taking the test and did not remember where she lost the paper, she was nervous and the teacher calmed her down.
Interpr. It can be said that it has an attenuation of her elements of the Super Ego, it is more relaxed after them.
Dream – She was in a building under construction, with lots of stairs.
Interpr. It can be said that it is in the construction of itself, with the possibility of evolution, it dazzles before itself, stairs.
Dream – She was in a river and had to get out of the water, she crystallized and scaled the waterand she could walk on the water. Saw several children
Interpr. It can be said that if archetypical elements of rebirth are observed, it is in the presence of children.
Evolution of dreams, symbols and transformations:The first exit “Plato´s cave.”
She receives one stimulus of integrations, of conunctionis in her mind and says with herself, a stronger self. Her father can hear more, she gets a cleaning of her thoughts and represented in the W.C. with the door opened, she moved up the stairs, has one clarifying in her mind, wanted to buy one abajour. It can be said that she finds herself in an attenuated element of identifying patterns, there is a stimulus to the sacred, the father and the mother, “eat the fruit,” already nourish themselves with a more conscious self. She was wake up by the manicure that means she acquired one stimulus of herself, the hands has with a relationship with the heart. The dreams in M.I.H.T. always show elements already advanced and what still remain to be worked.It can be said that a stimulus occurs for a certain stabilization of the internal aquatic element (name of the city Seven Lakes). We there is a mitigating of a guilt complex, can see archetypal elements of the baptism of the consciousness. It is observed that it has a stimulus to the nutrition of itself, but still with dense projective element and identificatory patterns, marks in the middle, represented by the shoes.It is observed that there is an attenuation of instinctive elements related to the animality, it is evident a humanization and at the same time, beyond the integrative process, where the man and the woman meet together.It can be said that there are integrative impulses toward the Self, represented in the seam of the hand, where its extension goes in the heart, in the center of itself. This dream is one advanced of the dreams of manicure; she can get now more contact with your center of herself in her heart. It can be said that it has an attenuation of fragmented negative elements of the previous dream, it is able to be in a lighter environment, of music, on a Sunday, it has a greater mental space in its consciousness before the other, it is received in the house of a woman,It can be said that she makes a displacement to her sister who is riding a bicycle, which means that there has already been a mitigation of the triangular and identifying elements, she stays on the two wheels, but not knowing which direction to take. It can be said that she has a stimulus to be integrated with her feminine and masculine archetypal elements, intensifies her contact with her feelings and approaches the nutrition of herself. She wants to go out the mud, saves one woman of the shipwreck; she saves herself, takes out the car of the water, she take off her mind of some unconscious contents. She has a mitigation of her elements of super ego, building one house with one stairs, goes beyond of the water and she walks on the water, she is in the air, consciousness stage.
It is observed that all stories have “signifiers”, symbols and indices in similarity, as that means allegorically, the first exit of the “Plato´s cave”. It is demonstrate the mitigating of a “nigredo”, a stage where the individual is intensely dominated of the autonomous complexes ,projections, imaginations, marks and identificatory patterns behaviors, that is theof dense consciousness. It is observed people come out of the darkness, to the lightness. It is observed attenuation of unconscious contents, an improvement of the symptoms, as depression and anxiety disorders, hypertension, among other, all of them and getting better around 80%-90% in relation unwell.